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Rick Krenmayer

Human Legend
Chief Human Legend
Charleston, South Carolina
Songwriter and performer. I play Bass, Upright Bass, Piano, The Stick, Sing and Compose in my studio or in my head while I am working. I love pop music and I'm not afraid to admit it. Everyone else should do the same and move on with their lives. :)

I always see my inner self as an actor, pop star or songwriter. Don't know why. It's just the way it is. Regardless it makes me think big and makes me realize that anything is possible should I want to do it.

I'm a business owner, investor and an avid traveler. There are times when I see other places in the world more than my home. It's all good. Just building up that treasure trove of memories. Some awesome, some not, but that's life and in the end everything adds great detail to your personal story.

I am also a tech guru and have been involved largely in the IT industry in some form or fashion since I was 12 years old. I'm still asking myself daily where all the green screens and mainframes have gone. I think and speak extremely fast and I like to tell people, "I communicate at a high baud rate if you want to handshake with me." :)

If you don't get that last joke that means I've really been in IT for too long.