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Ryan Matthews

Los Angeles, CA
Ryan Matthews responds to many different titles: sound healer, composer, music producer, trombonist, multi-instrumentalist, and spiritual warrior. And they are all true, because he combines all of those skills into his work: using original music and live sound to open portals to other realms of consciousness.

He holds a performance degree from one of the world's top classical music conservatories, and combines that training with an incredibly present and spiritual depth of consciousness and intentionality to create musical experiences that are incredibly deep and rich.
Using sound and frequency as his medium, he intuitively taps into universal energy forces and channels it into his musical creations, weaving a web of vibrational magic that takes listeners on a journey that is personal to them, and powerful. The emotional and vibrational states of listeners are transmuted to lighter, freer, and happier states, much like turning lead to gold.

Because he operates from a place of intuitive guidance and flow, Ryan's music is truly an epic journey, taking the listener through many different worlds of sound before dropping them off back at the room where they started. The thread that ties it all together is this: His purpose is to promote positivity, peace, healing, and love through his music.

To Ryan Matthews, music at its very essence is audible energy, and he uses his classical influences and years of training combined with his ear for music and creativity to inject raw energy and emotion into all of his music. Ryan is a composer and multi-instrumentalist. When he plays trombone, it’s been said it’s as if “he makes love to the horn” while he plays, and shares his true soul.

Ryan travels around the country performing live, and has helped many many people achieve happier, healthier states through the experience.
